Social Network

62 Doplphins

Data visualization project based on the academic paper by David Lusseau and company, where studies of a bottlenose dolphin community featured long-lasting associations.

Excerpt from Abstract

More than 12 studies of different bottlenose dolphin populations, spanning from tropical to cold temperate waters, have shown that the species typically lives in societies in which relationships among individuals are predominantly fluid. In all cases dolphins lived in small groups characterised by fluid and dynamic interactions and some degree of dispersal from the natal group by both sexes. We describe a small, closed population of bottlenose dolphins living at the southern extreme of the species' range. Individuals live in large, mixed-sex groups in which no permanent emigration/immigration has been observed over the past 7 years. See full abstract


Excerpt from abstract The community structure is temporally stable, compared to other bottlenose dolphin populations, and constant companionship seems to be prevalent in the temporal association pattern. Such high degrees of stability are unprecedented in studies of bottlenose dolphins and may be related to the ecological constraints of Doubtful Sound.


Excerpt from abstract
Both male–male and female–female networks of preferred associates are present, as are long-lasting associations across sexes.

Grin's data was the highest recorded observations, where an individual interacted with multiple individuals (from different sexes) during the study.

A friend
of a friend

Excerpt from abstract
All members within the community are relatively closely associated. Fjords are low-productivity systems in which survival may easily require a greater level of co-operation, and hence group stability.